The mixed pairs match between New Zealander, Helen Carman and England’s Nick Brett versus England’s Robert Paxton and Ellen Falkner had been a great talking point since they both won their respective semi finals – who was going to get this?

First set and it was Carman together with Nick Brett that settled in the quickest with Carman getting the feel for the carpet and giving Brett some decent lead bowls. Brett was carrying on with his outstanding bowls and no matter what Paxton produced Brett was pulling out match that were simply superb. At one stage Falkner and Paxton were holding a great three bowls and Brett played a timer, cleared all their bowls and swiped a count of four – Paxton threw his towel in the air with a big smile as if to say,”just what do we need to do here?”. By end four it was 9,0 to Carman and Brett but Falkner and Paxton still kept coming and managed to take a single on end five. Carman and Brett though resumed service and took the next three ends to take the first set 15,1.

Second set and Falkner and Paxton were still trying to shake off Brett who was simply pulling shots out of the air with simple looking ease. End three and it was 2,1 to Carman and Brett. End four and suddenly it was Paxtons turn, lying three good shots Brett elected a sharp timing shot and just went wide, Paxton slotted in another, Brett went again, just wide and suddenly Paxton collected a count of four. Next end Brett’s magic wore thin and Paxton collected another two and end six Paxton again collected a single to take the scoreline to 2,8 to Falkner and Paxton. Next end it was again Brett that collected a single after yet another end saving bowl but try as he might he could not get enough on end eight and the set went to Falkner and Paxton 3,10.
Tie break and it was Falkner that led with great bowls, Brett tried in vain to dislodge them but Paxton backed up Falkner with some equally great bowls and try as he might Brett just could not get to the shot bowl. End one to Falkner and Paxton. This story was repeated in the second end and suddenly Falkner and Paxton had the second end of the tie break and match. They are the 2019 World Indoor Mixed Pairs Champions.