At the World Indoor Champions at the 5star Potters Resort on the coast of Norfolk in Hopton-on-Sea the sport of bowls was catapulted into a global reach of epic proportions as over 50 million views have now been viewed.
It was the partnership of Greg Harlow & Nick Brett that called a particular shot to be played, Harlow calling the shot and Brett gives a wry smile and the packed stadium raises a laugh, even the commentator, David Corkill, the voice of bowls, adds a wry comment on the call for the shot. The distance, the space allowed for the finish, the bend of the bowl required and the millimetre exact spacing for the shot to be accomplished - all had a level of difficulty that no-one expected to be accomplished so deftly

Nick readies himself and then plays the shot to millimetre perfection, it was a bowl of Championship making and not only did Harlow and Brett approve of it, so did the audience and you can hear the commentary applaud the way the shot had been played and how exact it had been. Harlow and Brett went on to win the World Indoor Pairs and Brett went one better to win the World Indoor Mixed Pairs that same week.

The frenzy still carries on as Brett describes the bowl played to a very interested Elgan Alderman from the Times Sport in a recreation of how the shot was played and you can see the interview here.